The Yadnya Kasada Sacrifice at Mount Bromo 1

Devotees climbing to the crater for Yadnya Kasada at Mount Bromo

Each year, the Tengger people of East Java hold the world-famous Yadnya Kasada ritual at Mount Bromo in Java. The volcano is considered to be the abode of Lord Brahma (‘Bromo’ in Javanese). The Tenggerese and other Javanese Hindus make pilgrimages to the crater rim, where they sacrifice a part of the income of their work.

The ritual sacrifice is held in the middle of the night on the full moon of the 10th Javanese Hindu lunar calendar (Kasada). Ritual offerings are made by the priests to Brahma, which are then sacrified into the crater of the volcano. The sacrifices are also accompanied by fire offerings, or pahoman, a Kawi word that derives from the Sanskrit homa.

The full Yadnya Kasada festival lasts about a month. Only the 14th day of the Kasada, the Tenggerese go to Poten Bromo and ask for blessing from Hyang Widi Wasa and Mahadeva, the God of the Mountain (Mount Semeru), by offerings rice, fruit, vegetables, flowers, money and other valuables.

For the Tenggerese, Mount Bromo is the biggest fire altar in the world. During the Kasada festival, they offer what is grown on their farms. Prior to the trek, they first worship at the Pura Luhur Poten temple to receive the blessings of Sang Hyang Widi Wasa (God Almighty).

Pendopo Agung Desa Ngadisari (Ngadisari village Grand Hall) is the starting point of the Yadnya Kasada procession. A number of rituals commenced at 7 pm, as offerings began to be distributed to the Luhur Poten temple at the sand grounds right at the bottom of Mount Bromo.

The Tengger annually honor this tradition, which also attracts foreign pilgrims and tourists. Kesada Yajna isn’t only attended by the people of Tengger ethnic community but also by Hindus from other places in the country. All are welcome to join.

The Yadnya Kasada Sacrifice at Mount Bromo 2

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Climbing Mount Bromo

To attend the event, tourists can come through Mount Bromo’s four main entrance gates which are located in Pasuruan, Malang, Lumajang and Probolinggo regencies. The walk from Cemoro Lawang to the temple and onto Mount Bromo takes about an hour.

The sacrifice is a way for Tengger Hindus to express their gratitude to God for good harvest and fortune. At the top of the volcano people sing traditional songs, read mantras, music of traditional Javanese drums all night long. At midnight, it is time to dive into the prayer trance, which helps to understand yourself.

The festival concludes with a ritual invocation to Deva Kusuma, the protecting spirit of the Tengger people.

The Yadnya Kasada Sacrifice at Mount Bromo 3Tenggerese worshipers trek across the “Sea of Sand” from Pura Luhur Poten to give their offerings during the Yadnya Kasada Festival – Click to enlarge

Pura Luhur Poten

Poten is a sacred area of land in the “Sea of Sand” (in Javanese: Segara Wedi). On the sand plain, stands the Pura Luhur Poten temple. The temple consists of several buildings and enclosures arranged in a composition arrangement in the yard which is divided into three mandala (zone), Mandala Utama , Mandala Madya and Mandala Nista.

The temple organises the Yadnya Kasada ritual which lasts for about one month. On the 14th day, the Tenggerese congregate at Pura Luhur Poten to ask for blessings from Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa and the God of Mahameru (Mount Semeru).

The Yadnya Kasada Sacrifice at Mount Bromo 4

Ngadisari village’s Grand Hall (Pendopo Agung) is the starting point of the Yadnya Kasada procession. Offerings began to be distributed to the Luhur Poten temple at the sand grounds which is known as Poten, right at the bottom of Mount Bromo.

The Yadnya Kasada Sacrifice at Mount Bromo 5

The relationship between the volcano’s destructive power and Brahma, the God of Creation is clear: after the destructive lava destroyed and cooled down, breaking into soft dirt, this gives highly fertile soil, making cultivation of food crops possible. Volcanic soil contains high traces of essential nutrients such as nitrogen, potassium and phosphore, all substances found in most high quality fertilisers.

For the main ritual, the Tenggerese make offerings such as livestock, fruit, and vegetables by throwing them into the crater of Mount Bromo. The offerings are symbols of gratitude from the people of Tengger.

The Yadnya Kasada Sacrifice at Mount Bromo 6

The rituals are sometimes spoiled by a few disrespectful Moslems, who come all the way and gather lower on the slopes of the crater, trying to catch offerings with meshes. Every year some of them stumble and fall into the crater, where they die from the heat and toxic fumes.

Other crater ceremonies take place every 36 days on Legi – Friday, the first day of the Javanese calendar’s five-day week. As an expression of gratitude for abundant harvests, the ritual is carried out by saying prayers to God, guardian spirits or ancestors and tossing offerings in different ways.

The Eksotika Bromo Festival is held as part of festivities, organized by the regency administration to develop knowledge of the traditional culture and art of the region. It is held prior to the Yadnya Kasada ritual.