Shiva Trishula Sang-Dwija-Naga-Nareswara

Sang Dwija Naga Nareswara (Javanese trisula)

The trishula (trident) is the most recognized symbol of Shiva – together with the Shiva Linga.

Goddess Durga also holds a trishula (among other weapons and attributes).

The trishula: A primordial symbol

The three prongs of the trishula represent:

  • The 3 acts of Creation, Sustenance and Dissolution – Shiva is the Master and Controller of all three universal acts.
  • The 3 syllables of the Omkara: A (akara), U (ukara) and M (makara) – The Omkara is the primal sound, the Word of God, which gave birth to entire universe. It is for this reason that Shiva is also called the Lord of Omkara (Omkareshvara).
  • The 3 shaktis of Shiva – The power of Will (iccha), the power of Knowledge (jnana) and the power of Action (kriya). It is through progressive expansion of these Shaktis that the Unmanifest impinges into universal experience.
  • The 3 qualities of Nature: sattva, rajas and tamas All things in existence emerged by the admixture of these three primal qualities. Shiva is both Master over Prakriti and the three qualities, yet beyond them at the same time.

Sang Dwija Naga Nareswara: the Javanese Trishula (Shiva's Trident) 1

A triadic Universe

In Shaivism, the entire manifest universe is described in triadic terms.

The trishula of Shiva symbolizes that the entire triadic universe is held together by the Lord.

It is the perfect symbol of the manifest Uuniverse, just as the wielder of the trishula is the perfect representation of Divinity.

The trishula symbolizes His three fundamental powers: iccha (will), kriya (action) and jnana (knowledge).

As His weapon and instrument of punishment the trident represents Lord Shiva’s manner of punishing the evil doers on all the three planes – spiritual, subtle and physical.

Trishula represents the three gunas (satva, rajas and tamas). The divinity is beyond the three gunas, but it holds the three gunas together.

Shul means problems or suffering. Trishul means that which overcome all kind of suffering.

What relieves you from all suffering is the trishula, and it is in the hand of Shiva. Hence Lord Shiva is the destroyer of Suffering.