Agnihotra Kit

“O Healing Fire, we reach out to you daily at Sunrise and Sunset” – Rig Veda

Agnihotra is a very ancient fire ritual that is done every day exactly at the time of sunrise and sunset, by using a pyramidal copper kund. An offering of rice and ghee is given, along with a special mantra.

Agnihotra is the most primordial of all the homa (healing fires) from the ancient science of Vedas.

Agnihotra is described in the Yajurveda Samhita, Kathak Samhita and Shatapatha Brahmana.

Agnihotra is also found in Tibetan Buddhism and in Japanese Shingon.

It has for main result the purification of the atmosphere. Its effects have been scientifically confirmed, including on waters.

Agnihotra brings clarity and focus to the person doing it, as well as to all those present, and even those situated at a distance of 50 m or further.

It protects you from both physical and mental pollution. It has a cumulative effect – you can miss a day but it works best done regularly.

How to perform the Ritual

Agnihotra supplies required:

  • Pyramidal Copper Kund (with support stand) – Pyramids are collectors of cosmic energy, and copper is a good conductor of this energy. The copper pyramid is easy to use, and it has become a standard in Agnihotra rituals.
  • Small Copper Dish for the rice
  • Small Copper Spoon for the butter
  • Copper tongs for the fire, when needed

All the items above are usually sold as a starter kit:

Agnihotra: The Primordial Fire Ritual for Energy Healing 1

Then you need to purchase the consumable supplies below separately: 

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  • Cow Ghee The Ghee used in Agnihotra should have been extracted from cow’s milk only. The Ghee from other sources like a buffalo, etc is not permitted.
  • Unbroken Rice Grains – The offering of rice grains comprises two full pinches of uncooked unbroken grains. The concept of unbroken is emphasized and it is said that the virya (potency) of the rice gets lowered when the grain is broken and exposed to the environment.

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  • Dried Cow Dung Cakes (Gomay) – The dried dung burns well (although it can be difficult to start without ghee smeared on it) and doesn’t smell. According to the scriptures, Agnihotra can also be done using twigs of certain medicinal trees such as Vata (Ficus bengalenensis), Audumbara (Ficus glomerata), Palaash (Butea frondosa), Pipal (Ficus religiosa) and Bael (Ægle marmelos).
  • Your cow dung must be from an organic farm where the cows are healed with Agnihotra and do not take in chemicals in their feed. This rules out 99.99% of all farms. We recommend The Copperworks or other true Agnihotra farms (listed at the end of this article).
  • Wooden matches
  • Container for ash, and a wooden spoon to remove it (do NOT use metal spoons, it might discharge lot of the energy of the ash) After the transformation of the cow dung into ash, the ash has collected the powerful solar energy from the atmosphere during the entire ritual and is now fully charged with it. The ash can then be used in many ways for healing and other purposes.
  • Clock
  • Local Sunrise / Sunset time chart or app for your location
  • Learn your Mantra – The oblations (ghee and full rice grains) are offered into the Agni at the utterance of certain Mantras (see further below). These Mantras create vibrations of peace and love and should be recited in clear voice and accurate pronunciation. Make sure you can promounce the mantra correctly.


Suryaya Swaahaa (> put the 1st half of the rice into fire)
Suryaya Idam Na Mama
Unto Surya I am offering.
This is not mine, but Thine (Surya)

Prajaapataye Swaahaa (> put the 2nd half of the rice into fire)
Prajaapataye Idam Na Mama
Unto the Lord of all the living beings I am offering
This is not mine, but Thine (Lord).

The Sunrise Mantra is a prayer to the Sun, the propeller and the impelling power behind our world, to provide energy, healing, and life till the Sunset.


Agnaye Swaahaa (> put the 1st half of the rice into fire)
Agnaye Idam Na Mama
Unto the Fire I am offering.
This is not mine, but Thine (Fire).

Prajaapataye Swaahaa (> put the 2nd half of the rice into fire)
Prajaapataye Idam Na Mama
Unto the Lord of all the living beings I am offering
This is not mine, but Thine (Lord).

The Sunset Mantra is a prayer to the Agni symbolizing warmth and protection, to provide energy, healing and protection of life till the Sunrise. The second line in each Mantra is referring to the word Prajapati meaning The Creator. It is a sign of praying unto the Universal Consciousness to create a feeling of surrender.

The sunrise ritual attunes our mind and body to the rhythms of nature, which helps to regulate the flow of Prana. The energies created and released from morning Agnihotra remains active in the atmosphere throughout the day in the house or place where it has been performed.

As the effects start to wear off at the initiation of the second global energy shift (sunset), we perform the evening Agnihotra for the positive energy cycle to continue.The affirmative effects of the evening Agnihotra remain in the atmosphere till the next morning, when it’s time again for a fresh round of morning Agnihotra.

How to Proceed

  • Make sure you have all the tools for the ritual (as described above)
  • Turn towards the East (morning) or West (evening)
  • Clear your mind. As with all rituals, the intention and concentration of the practitioner is the most important aspect for the effectiveness of the ritual. Be calm and focused. Agnihotra, like all Yagyas, is to be performed with a sense of detachment, anticipating nothing in return.
  • Apply ghee to the gomay (cow dung)
  • Put one piece of gomay at the bottom and smaller pieces on the side
  • Light the fire with matches
  • You can add more ghee to fire
  • When the fire is alive, prepare the rice
  • Remove the broken pieces of rice
  • Apply a little ghee to the body of rice and divide into two portions.
  • Take twice the amount you can hold between your thumb, middle, index fingers
  • Take 10-20 grains of rice (2 pinch) in left hand to make offering with RIGHT hand
  • Say the mantra while offering the grains with the thumb, middle finger and ring finger of your right hand (palm facing upwards), place the left hand on your chest. Offer them after “swaha”.
  • The quantity of rice should be as much you can hold in your three fingers (thumb, middle finger and ring finger, for example). Remaining rice should be discarded and should not be used for even the next Agnihotra.
  • After the rice and ghee and mantra have been given, the fire should not be disturbed.
  • As the fire burns, concentrate your mind on the Divine. You can practice meditation, followed by your sadhana, if you wish.

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The best book to learn the practice of Agnihotra is probably ‘Agnihotra – Havan on Earth‘. It is in its 4th re-edition. “Agnihotra: Havan on Earth” includes a full explanation of the ritual and step-by-step instructions for performing agnihotra and how to meditate.

This is one of the best videos online that explain precisely how to proceed:

Important considerations

  • While pouring the ingredients in the havan kund, you should discard all other thoughts and focus on surrendering to the Almighty (Shiva). After performing, meditate as long as possible to absorb all the energies created around the copper vessel.
  • To start the fire, one may use ghee, guggul, or pure camphor tablets. Dry twigs of Vata (Banyan tree), Audumbara, Palaash, Peepal and Bilva, can also be used. In the end, ghee is the easiest.
  • Never use lighters with the fire. Use only matches.
  • If necessary, a hand fan can be used to ignite the cow dung cakes. Never blow on the fire. If fanning also fails, then just allow the kund to cool down and then remove the ash at the time of the next Agnihotra only.
  • For maximum effects, it is best if the pyramid always faces the same direction, and if possible, facing East. This refers to the secondary effects of Agnihotra, as Agnihotra will have effects no matter which way the pyramid faces. The second preference is North. The space between North and East is very auspicious. Or you can choose the middle point of North-East. The North-East corner of the house is considered very auspicious. Your altar should be in this part of the house or of the room.
  • Make sure that the area where Agnihotra is being performed is clean, so as to avoid any kind of interference.
  • Do not clean the Agnihotra kund often. The gradual accumulation of ash on the inside of the kund does not adversely affect the Agnihotra energies. If a crust has built up inside, it can be removed by having a bigger fire. The vessel can be washed periodically with lemon or tamarind. Never scratch the inside of the kund!
  • If your pyramid breaks or bends appear due to performance of fire, you should get a new copper kund. Kunds with handles, or  inscriptions embossed on the rim are not suitable for Agnihotra.
  • Install the app to calculate the correct sunrise sunset times for Agnihotra. This is NOT the usual sunrise/sunset times. Agnihotra times are a few minutes different and are calculated according to Vedic rules.
  • It preferable to wash the hands, feet and mouth before performing the Agnihotra.
  • Never use any wood, plastic or metal utensils, bowls, containers, etc. Use only 100% copper utensils. If it is tainted with other metals, it will not work. For containers to keep the ash, use glass.
  • If you are female, never do Agnihotra during your mense.
  • It is best if one kund is kept only for Agnihotra. Other homas such as Vyahruti Homa and On Tryambakam Homa may be performed in a second kund.
  • Agnihotra done correctly will have effects. The more regularly you do it, the greater the benefit will be, but it will have effects whenever you do it. If regular practice of Agnihotra is stopped or interrupted, there will be no bad effect as a result.

Sandhi Kala

Agnihotra should be performed at sunrise and sunset. These two are the most significant circadian bio-rhythms (“circa” – meaning around, and “diem” – meaning day) or `Biological Clock’ of the body. Normal functioning of everything in the universe is linked with the rhythmic alignment of the circadian rhythm.

At sunrise and sunset, the change of this solar stream of energy is said to be powerful and cleansing. When a person performs the fire ritual (fire being associated with the sun), he interacts with this energy and brings it down into the fire, into the ashes, but also into himself and those gathered around him, and into his immediate environment.

Agnihotra time is called Sandhi Kala (the transitional moment). It is neither day nor night, neither light nor darkness. The Veda sdescribes this particular moment as tirtha. The precise time of Sunrise and Sunset is calculated using Vedic methodology.

During sunrise and sunset, the nadis are in the process of transition. Mind and body are in perfect sync during this time. We breathe either from the left or the right nostril from sunrise to sunset and the order is reversed from sunset to sunrise. During sunset–to-sunrise period the ida and pingala nadis remain active in succession.

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Healing Uses of Agnihotra Ashes

Just before the next Agnihotra, collect the ash from the copper pyramid using your right hand and pass it through a tea strainer. Store this finely powdered ash in a container made of natural material (glass, earthenware, clay, paper bag or wood).

Do not store ash in plastic or in metal other than pure copper or gold. The bigger parts that remain in the strainer can be put in rivers or ponds, or given to plants.

The ash from the Agnihotra fire is extremely medicinal. It holds all the qualities of the Agnihotra fire, available at all times. All 92 natural chemical elements are present in Agnihotra ash, which make it a wonderful mineral supplement that might cure all mineral deficiencies.

  • Ashes are desinfecting for wounds – mix with olive oil and it cicatrizes quickly
  • Apply Agnihotra ointment on herpes. Near complete healing may occur in 14 days.
  • Wearing an object boiled with ashes cendres ameliore personal balance and resistance
  • Use ashes in shower, around the house, in the car
  • Carrying the ashes protects you from EMF and radiation
  • Agnihotra brings enhanced levels of willpower, confidence and motivation – It brings a new dawn of peace, contentment and fulfillment in their lives.
  • The ash has pesticidal and fungicidal properties. The ash can produce disinfectant, anticoagulant and tissue-contracting effects on living matter.
  • Ashes can be used externally or internally together with water or honey or ghee. Ghee is an excellent vehicle and carries the subtle healing substance exactly to the location of the disease. Mix one part of Agnihotra powder with 9 parts of ghee per weight. Externally for burns, dry skin diseases, etc., and internally for heart conditions.
  • Energize water with Agnihotra ashes – Boil water in a pot, then add a few pinches of Agnihotra ash. Keep the water boiling for 10 minutes, then let it cool down. You can then store the energized water in bottles, after filtering the rest of the ashes .
  • The ashes can be put in cremes, shampoos, oils, food, drinks, shakes…
  • Take Agnihotra ash orally 3 times a day to counteract atmospheric pollution, environmental toxicity, and to protect oneself from disturbing frequencies that may exist from microwaves, cell phones, computers, etc.
  • Put a tablespoon full of Agnihotra ash powder into the bath for a special energy bath and put a pinch of Agnihotra ash powder in your body lotion. Agnihotra ash can be mixed with other natural ingredients, such as ghee, to make remedies and applications.
  • Agnihotra cream – Combine one part ghee with 3 parts pure spring water by volume. Knead together with the palm of your right hand in a vessel of pure copper until the ghee absorbs some of the water. Pour out excess water not absorbed by the ghee and add 3 parts new water again to the ghee. Repeat the same process 15 times. Then, combine one part Agnihotra ash powder to 9 parts of this water-ghee emulsion (by weight) in a vessel suitable for making ointments. Agnihotra Cream is to be applied externally only and has a profound effect!
  • Agnihotra compress – Put one tablespoon of Agnihotra ash powder into one liter of water. Now take a piece of cloth, gauze or cotton and soak it with this Agnihotra ash water and place it on the affected area of the body. Place a terry towel on top in order to catch excessive moisture, and leave the Agnihotra compress on for 10-15 minutes. Then repeat the process. Agnihotra compresses can be applied with hot or cold water.
  • Agnihotra cough syrup – Mix the juice from one lemon with 2 tablespoons of honey and half a teaspoon of Agnihotra ash powder in half a cup of boiled water. Take one dessert spoon of this mixture every hour.
  • Agnihotra water cure – Put one tablespoon of Agnihotra ash powder in 2 liters of potable water, preferably well water. Bring to a boil and boil for 10 minutes without a lid. Then pour the mixture through a strainer, coffee filter or simply let the ash sink to the bottom and pour the water into a separate container. Now drink this Agnihotra water throughout the day.
  • Agnihotra herbal tea – Prepare a herbal tea of your choice and add one pinch of Agnihotra ash powder to it. You will experience how much better the effect of the tea is with the additional of Agnihotra ash.

Agnihotra, EMF and Radiation

Agnihotra has been proven to neutralize EMF in a 50 m (or more) radius. Even better, Agnihotra can neutralizes the detrimental effect of radioactive emissions. After Chernobyl, Agnihotra (and Tryambakam Homa) were used to help reduce the radiation levels.

Additionally some people have reduced the toxic levels of radiation in their bodies by eating lots of Miso mixed with Agnihotra ash.

NASA’s manned space capsules have even been coated with a thin layer of cow dung to protect them against radiation!

Agnihotra Farming

Agnihotra also nourishes plant life and neutralizes harmful radiation and pathogenic bacteria. It harmonizes the functioning of Prana (life energy) and can be used to purify water resources. Agnihotra, or Homa Organic Farming means making use of the ancient science of Homa Therapy (Agnihotra, but also other Homa Fire Rituals) in agriculture.

Homa Organic Farming can show how to grow crops without chemicals and pesticides, how to get maximum yield out of minimum agricultural area, how to keep soil fertile, how to keep water pure, how to keep atmosphere nutritious.

Homa Therapy states that more than 75% of nutrition to plants and soil comes through the atmosphere. Therefore, Agnihotra ash could potentially affect the whole environment, countering the toxins that have multiplied over the last century. The practice of Homa replenishes the nutrients that are robbed from our environment by pollution.

Modern agriculture lays stress mainly on soil quality and to a lesser extent water quality. But according to the ancient science of Homa Therapy, atmosphere is one of the biggest factors.

Agricultural projects have been carried out indifferent countries using Homa Therapy. Here are some of the results documented:

  • The soil has improved through Homa Therapy even in difficult climatic conditions such as acid rain.
  • Prevention, control and eradication of plagues and diseases has taken place in all crops with short and long vegetative cycles.
  • Crops become superior in quantity, taste, texture, colour and disease resistance. Shelf life has been improved. Homa Technology is cheap and no agrochemicals are required.
  • lf plants are placed in a room where vibrations of Agnihotra pyramid fire are maintained, one subtle enough can actually see growth, communication, etc. Plants receive nutrition from Agnihotra atmosphere, become happy and grow well.
  • Plants are noticed to grow in the direction of the (regular) Agnihotra fire, instead fo in the direction of the Sun!
  • Plants that cannot grow in a certain climate have successfully grown in the area where Agnihotra is continuously performed.
  • Species of frogs appeared instantly, water is purified, bees and birds multiply
  • Bees produce a particular hormone in the homa atmosphere, which, if consumed in honey, strengthens the human immune system.
  • The fruits grown in a homa atmosphere are of an outstanding quality with respect to texture, taste, colour and size of kernel or seed. The energy field produced in the process of Agnihotra stimulates the plants to maximum growth and yield. Fruit trees bear fruit, which is twice as big, with twice as much fruit.
  • When using Agnihotra in agriculture, the results are greater quantity per hectare, better taste, disease resistance, longer shelf life, shorter harvesting time…
  • Planting the seeds with Agnihotra ash is very beneficial to the plants

Where to learn Agnihotra?

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